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Clojure in Action: Elegant Applications on the JVM

Amit Rathore · 2 HN comments
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Amazon Summary
Summary Clojure in Action is a hands-on tutorial for the working programmer who has written code in a language like Java or Ruby, but has no prior experience with Lisp. It teaches Clojure from the basics to advanced topics using practical, real-world application examples. Blow through the theory and dive into practical matters like unit-testing and environment set-up, all the way through building a scalable web-application using domain-specific languages, Hadoop, HBase, and RabbitMQ. About the Technology Clojure is a modern Lisp for the JVM, and it has the strengths you'd expect: first-class functions, macros, support for functional programming, and a Lisp-like, clean programming style. About this Book Clojure in Action is a practical guide focused on applying Clojure to practical programming challenges. You'll start with a language tutorial written for readers who already know OOP. Then, you'll dive into the use cases where Clojure really shines: state management, safe concurrency and multicore programming, first-class code generation, and Java interop. In each chapter, you'll first explore the unique characteristics of a problem area and then discover how to tackle them using Clojure. Along the way, you'll explore practical matters like architecture, unit testing, and set-up as you build a scalable web application that includes custom DSLs, Hadoop, HBase, and RabbitMQ. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book. What's Inside A fast-paced Clojure tutorial Creating web services with Clojure Scaling through messaging Creating DSLs with Clojure's macro system Test-driven development with Clojure Distributed programming with Clojure and more This book assumes you're familiar with an OO language like Java, C#, or C++, but requires no background in Lisp or Clojure itself. ================================== Table of Contents PART 1 GETTING STARTED Introduction to Clojure A whirlwind tour Building blocks of Clojure Polymorphism with multimethods Clojure and Java interop State and the concurrent world Evolving Clojure through macros PART 2 GETTING REAL Test-driven development and more Data storage with Clojure Clojure and the web Scaling through messaging Data processing with Clojure More on functional programming Protocols, records, and type More macros and DSLs
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

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May 07, 2012 · lpolovets on Reasons to Learn Clojure
Installing Clojure is pretty easy ( and you can get far with the REPL. After you've played around a bit, you will probably starting using lein (like maven/ant, but for Clojure), which handles REPL startup, dependency management, JAR building, etc.

For IDEs, I really like IntelliJ + the La Clojure plugin. Many of my coworkers us Emacs + Swank/SLIME. I'm not an emacs user and don't know much about that setup, but it's a very popular setup.

A book that I liked a lot is Clojure in Action ( I've also heard that The Joy of Clojure is excellent, but it's more appropriate after you're already comfortable with Clojure.

As for online resources, I've found to be very useful. You can clone the project, which consists of a lot of "fill-in-the-blank" unit tests. The tests are designed to teach you the common functions and data structures available in Clojure.

Thanks for the awesome answer. My girlfriend and my weekend are not pleased with you but I'm pretty excited to explore this. Thanks again!
> Do you seriously expect me or any other serious programmer in a business environment sorting a million integers in a million different ways?

Well my apologies for not immediately understanding your specific situation... I can assure you I meant it as a kind suggestion.

Perhaps you could look at Clojure In Action[1]? It's supposed to be a pragmatic introduction for people with some existing programming experience. From the Amazon page, "is a hands-on tutorial for the working programmer who has written code in a language like Java or Ruby, but has no prior experience with Lisp."


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