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Programming Clojure (Pragmatic Programmers)

Stuart Halloway · 1 HN points · 3 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Programming Clojure (Pragmatic Programmers)" by Stuart Halloway.
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Amazon Summary
Clojure is a dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine, with a compelling combination of features: Clojure is elegant. Clojure's clean, careful design lets you write programs that get right to the essence of a problem, without a lot of clutter and ceremony. Clojure is Lisp reloaded. Clojure has the power inherent in Lisp, but is not constrained by the history of Lisp. Clojure is a functional language. Data structures are immutable, and functions tend to be side-effect free. This makes it easier to write correct programs, and to compose large programs from smaller ones. Clojure is concurrent. Rather than error-prone locking, Clojure provides software transactional memory. Clojure embraces Java. Calling from Clojure to Java is direct, and goes through no translation layer. Clojure is fast. Wherever you need it, you can get the exact same performance that you could get from hand-written Java code. Many other languages offer some of these features, but the combination of them all makes Clojure sparkle. Programming Clojure shows you why these features are so important, and how you can use Clojure to build powerful programs quickly.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
Jul 15, 2010 · SkyMarshal on Blogger Finger
TLDR: "I'm back after a year's hiatus from blogging... ramble ramble ramble ... And now that I'm rested up, I believe I'm ready to start tech blogging again... in moderation, anyway. The rest and relaxation and research did wonders for me. I used to have lot of open, long-standing concerns about the future of programming and productivity, but my sabbatical last year finally brought me some clojure[0]."


(Nice affiliate link, but hey I'd do the same)

Is anyone else as torn about long blog posts as I am? On the one hand, I do appreciate good software writing. But I also appreciate concise expressivity, saying more with less. They shouldn't be, and aren't, mutually exclusive.

These days I feel like I'm forced to choose between sacrificing an hour of productive coding to read through a bunch of overly long blog posts at HN and proggit and evaluate whether they were worth reading or not.

Since when do we downmod just for disagreeing with a post? I wasn't trolling.

My concern isn't invalid. Others have also noticed:

Paul Graham:

Another good article:

Don't misunderstand, I <3 Yegge and am glad he's back. His writing taught me stuff that should have been covered in my undergraduate education, and I still refer new programmers to his 'Tour de Babel' essay.

But am I alone in wishing writers would cut to the chase a little more so as to help their readers reduce the info overload and the task of filtering through it quickly?

It's not hard to spend an entire day reading through only the high-quality tech blogs alone, and find, as Paul mentioned, that you did a lot of 'fake work' and very little real work.

PG on downvoting and disagreeing:
In my opinion, there really aren't too many high-quality tech blogs (or maybe there are, and I'm just not aware of them).

Steve's stuff is lengthy -- but it's also not posted incredibly often (he's not a career blogger), and I have yet to read much by him that wasn't intellectually or creatively satisfying, and afaict that's rather rare for tech-bloggers.

The book "Dreaming in Code"[1] can also be summarized in a couple of sentences, but you won't walk away with anything from that summary ... that's literature for you.

Also, sacrificing an hour of productive coding by reading good literature increases the chances that you won't grow up to be a dumb fuck.

Steve's articles may not be of much artistic value, but he combines non-fiction with fiction in a wonderful way, explaining his reasoning through plots and drama :) He gets personal, not being afraid to expose his feelings, and I really wish more people would do that.


Sep 22, 2009 · gtani on Ask HN: clojure and JVM
Holloway book is excellent, and only $22 from a monstrously large online seller!

May 29, 2009 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by iamelgringo
May 05, 2009 · dhimes on Clojure 1.0 Released
I understand your point, but I think there is a book coming out that I hope will help:
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