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Winning through Intimidation: How to Be the Victor, Not the Victim, in Business and in Life

Robert Ringer · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Winning through Intimidation: How to Be the Victor, Not the Victim, in Business and in Life" by Robert Ringer.
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#1 New York Times Bestseller! Why is Robert Ringer’s classic Winning through Intimidation still one of the most talked about personal-development books of all time? Because it teaches you how to defend yourself against the intimidators of the world. Believe it or not, the results a person obtains are inversely proportionate to the degree to which he is intimidated; it’s not what you say or do that counts, but what your posture is when you say or do it! Those who choose to be ostriches and believe they can wish away these realities invite an enormous amount of unnecessary pain and frustration into their lives. If you heed the truths set forth in Winning through Intimidation, there will be fewer occasions when you find yourself scratching your head and trying to figure out why a situation you thought you had under control ended up falling apart at the seams. By learning and implementing the unique ideas, strategies, and techniques that Robert Ringer teaches in Winning Through Intimidation, you’ll be in a position to join the millions of entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals in all walks of life who have elevated their business and personal lives to a whole new level of success. Find out for yourself why the realities set forth on the pages of this classic work have continued to inspire and elevate millions of readers to a whole new level of success for more than three decades.
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Sep 26, 2020 · unoti on Ask HN: How to learn sales?
A great resource to get you thinking along the right lines: the book Spin Selling[1]. This book is about doing selling involving long sales cycles, where it could take you a good amount of time to close the deal. This is often the case with enterprise software.

An example of a great concept from this book that has shaped the way I approach things: You've heard of the concept of closing, where you ask the customer to buy the product. Spin selling extends that concept in the realm of a longer sales cycle that involves many steps such as demos, consulting sessions and so on. Every interaction you have with the customer has some desired outcome that eventually leads to the final sale. For example, your initial contacts with the prospect, the goal of those initial interactions is to get the demo scheduled. Or perhaps it's to introduce you to someone closer to the decision maker. In each interaction, you keep a goal in mind and close towards that goal.

Three other books that were amazing and formative for me are below. These aren't about sales in particular but about making your own business in general, which includes sales in various degrees: 2. Good to Great 3. Crossing the Chasm 4. The E Myth

Also an honorable mention goes to this book, which is more about marketing than sales: Winning Through Intimidation. The book isn't actually about intimidating people, but it's about branding, image, and approach. Despite the evil sounding title, it's an amazing resource.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

"Extreme Ownership" was popular this year:

My personal favourite is called /Winning Through Intimidation/ , I think it is much more relevant to our capitalistic and legalistic society than military memoirs or the ancients, as much as I enjoy them. . It is not prescriptive because it is a bit dated and specific to real estate, but the core ideas are rock solid.

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