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Third-Party JavaScript

Ben Vinegar, Anton Kovalyov · 6 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Third-Party JavaScript" by Ben Vinegar, Anton Kovalyov.
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Summary Third-Party JavaScript guides web developers through the complete development of a full-featured third-party JavaScript application. You'll learn dozens of techniques for developing widgets that collect data for analytics, provide helpful overlays and dialogs, or implement features like chat or commenting. The concepts and examples throughout this book represent the best practices for this emerging field, based on thousands of real-world dev hours and results from millions of users. About this Book There's an art to writing third-party JavaScript—embeddable scripts that can plug into any website. They must adapt easily to unknown host environments, coexist with other applications, and manage the tricky security vulnerabilities you get when code and asset files are served from remote web addresses. Get it right and you have unlimited options for distributing your apps. This unique book shows you how. Third-Party JavaScript guides you through the ins and outs of building full-featured third-party JavaScript applications. You'll learn techniques for developing widgets that collect data for analytics, provide helpful overlays and dialogs, or implement features like chat and commenting. The concepts and examples throughout the book represent the best practices for this emerging field, based on thousands of real-world dev hours and results from millions of users. Written for web developers who know JavaScript, this book requires no prior knowledge of third-party apps. What's Inside Writing conflict-free JavaScript, HTML, and CSS Making cross-domain requests from the browser How to overcome third-party cookie limitations Security vulnerabilities of third-party applications Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Authors Ben Vinegar is an engineer at Disqus, a third-party JavaScript commenting platform. Anton Kovalyov is a software engineer at Mozilla. They are third-party applications experts whose work has been distributed on millions of websites Table of Contents Introduction to third-party JavaScript Distributing and loading your application Rendering HTML and CSS Communicating with the server Cross-domain iframe messaging Authentication and sessions Security Developing a third-party JavaScript SDK Performance Debugging and testing
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
I think you've got a pretty good starting point.

Once you get fairly decent with JavaScript, I'd like to recommend 3rd Party JavaScript

It's a great book that taught me how to create JS widgets (think twitter feed or disqus comment widget).

Nov 22, 2013 · 6 points, 1 comments · submitted by pleiades7
Another great Manning title. I like their books for the non-BS approach to teaching the topic. Gets right to the point.. I don't have time to read a 1500+ page book.
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