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Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks

Michal Zalewski · 1 HN points · 5 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks" by Michal Zalewski.
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Amazon Summary
There are many ways that a potential attacker can intercept information, or learnmore about the sender, as the information travels over a network. Silence on the Wireuncovers these silent attacks so that system administrators can defend against them,as well as better understand and monitor their systems. Silence on the Wire dissects several unique and fascinating security andprivacy problems associated with the technologies and protocols used in everydaycomputing, and shows how to use this knowledge to learn more about others or tobetter defend systems. By taking an indepth look at modern computing, from hardwareon up, the book helps the system administrator to better understand security issues,and to approach networking from a new, more creative perspective. The sys admin canapply this knowledge to network monitoring, policy enforcement, evidence analysis,IDS, honeypots, firewalls, and forensics.
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If you don't know who this is, he wrote one of my favourite books on web (browser) security: "The Tangled Web" [1].

Another lesser known book by him is also worth a read: "Silence on the Wire" that takes a look at the full information security stack from the keyboard you type on, to the wires the data transits, to the internet protocols, etc [2] and looking at how each stage exposes/protects data.

And has quite an interesting history in infosec beyond that [3].




He also had a pretty popular post here a while back about prepping for doomsday [1], interesting read.


I just got one of those periodic "wow, those are the same person?" Internet moments; I've both used AFL a fair bit, and read Tangled Web, but never connected the two.

Impressive fellow.

"Silence on the Wire" is still my favourite security book!
I loved Silence on the Wire (your [2]) - really changed my perspective on how much we "give away" passively
That's funny because there is another book [1] with exactly the same title and also about computer security, although it predates the one you mention by a decade.


That's the same book and link.
Oops, my bad. I meant this one:

If you don't know who this is, read his CV:
yeah I think it's feeling the HN effect already

(a bit ironic that it doesn't have https enabled)

Not as ironic as the OpenBSD Foundation asking for donations via an http site
Their site is available via https, it just is not default. Which admittedly is a little strange.

> (a bit ironic that it doesn't have https enabled)

That sounds like an interesting trick... MITM the CV of a famous security person in order to land a security job?

Wait, this is lcamtuf? Wow.

I've always been in awe of his AFL fuzzer:

He also wrote Ratproxy:
Guessing OS is pretty simple though, I recommend the book "Silence on the wire" [0] for a thorough explanation of passive network fingerprinting.

TL;DR is that the each TCP stack has unique characteristics that are hard to spoof (you'd have to bypass the OS TCP stack and build your own that mimics another) and definitely out of reach for tools that run in sandboxed environments (like browser extensions)

edit: Also, the author of that book, Michal Zalewski, made open source tool p0f [1] that implements some of those techniques to identify spoofed user agents.

TL;DR is that the each TCP stack has unique characteristics that are hard to spoof (you'd have to bypass the OS TCP stack and build your own that mimics another) and definitely out of reach for tools that run in sandboxed environments (like browser extensions)

If you are behind a NAT, the TCP/IP stack of the NAT machine will probably present some of its characteristics too.

It is also possible to modify your TCP/IP stack settings so it behaves like something else, a simple search for "defeat TCP fingerprinting" or similar will be a good place to start.

I remember reading about a few universities whose networks would, via fingerprinting, identify your OS and only Windows machines would be required to install some --- intrusive, invasive, and flaky --- additional monitoring software, while Linuxes were allowed completely open access. The solution was obviously to make your machine look like Linux, and this was not hard to do with a few registry tweaks, if I remember correctly.

> you'd have to bypass the OS TCP stack and build your own that mimics another

So, the Snabb Switch sort of thing?

I'm guessing that active layer-4-or-above proxies would also ruin your fingerprinting ability (so people behind corporate firewalls would be un-fingerprint-able.)

And, possibly, API clients running on VM instances in clouds that use software-defined networking, might "look like" the SDN infrastructure, rather than like their VM.

Nice! $18
$17.25! Amazon thinks I'm cheap. It's not wrong.
$24 for me, perhaps i have a richer looking browser ...
$13.60 Kindle. That's a lot of variation.
$24 paperback, $31.95 kindle :)
$19.55 kindle for me
$21.22 from Lisbon
$18 on kindle
Thanks for the heads-up, I fixed the link to point to the Kindle edition!

Amazon has indeed gotten called out for these types of shenanigans in the past but that was a long time ago!

I missed this related discussion last month: The High-Speed Trading Behind an Amazon Purchase |

Sniffing (Firefox http website) traffic with Wireshark on Ubuntu vs OSX and you'll notice there's extra null flags unique to OSX.

Can't imagine why..?

Thanks for the book recommendation!
Or just looking at what set of fonts the system has: that's pretty OS dependent. There are so many fairly trivial proxies for OS that detecting OS seems… uninteresting.
font enumeration is done by basically trying to use a certain font and then measuring the div it's writing to. Also can be done a bit fancier drawing to a canvas element and then taking a fingerprint of it (but presumably slower?).

It can be spoofed from a browser extension by messing with the results from the measurement or hooking into core APIs.

Plus you need a font list to begin with, you can't just look at the fonts the system has installed just from javascript.

Yes, indeed. But you know what fonts each OS ships out of the box, so all you need is the set that's the union of those and then you have your fingerprinting. (Canvas will probably be slower, but I expect not by as much as you might suspect.)

I don't see how you can mess with the results of measuring successfully, though, at least not without breaking things. You'd have to make CSSOM lie all over the place to avoid it.

The simple thing would be for the browser to taint Javascript values derived (at whatever remove) from the CSSOM, and then block all network APIs from accepting such values.
I can think of fun ways around that. For example, using setTimeout() and then deltas to communicate numeric values. Or communicating data via UI events (you have to be able to send network requests in response to UI events, for obvious reasons).

It wouldn't be possible to do that anyway without breaking important things like infinite scroll. Infinite scroll fundamentally requires network requests to be issued when an element is scrolled into view, but whether an element is in view depends on the results of layout, which depends on the user's installed fonts…

>important things like infinite scroll


> but whether an element is in view depends on the results of layout, which depends on the user's installed fonts…

It'd be kind of interesting if you could only ask about the CSSOM in terms of what the page would look like if rendered with a known set of {fonts, visited links, whatever else is a security leak} rather than asking what it does actually look like—with the browser keeping two render-trees in memory for metrics (the real one, and your hypothetical one) but only actually rendering the real one.

Then, you could synchronize page-manipulation events between the two render-trees, by trying to re-synthesize things like viewport/scroll-offsets and mouse positions, such that everything "will have been" in the right position in one model to end up clicking on whatever element ended up being clicked on in the other model.

Very inefficient, but kind of interesting.

If you have multiple columns of text, which column are you matching the scroll position up to? I'm pretty sure even something that inefficient isn't going to work. :)
Jun 17, 2015 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by xDola
This is also talked about in the book, "Silence on the Wire".

Thanks for sharing, that looks like an interesting read.

There was also this paper (linking to summary) about figuring out how to decode the audio of someone typing on a keyboard.

127001brewer's actually a good compliment while (slowly) trying to complete the challenges on
Oct 23, 2014 · yan on My adventures in CNC robotics
Zalewski was the reason I felt unaccomplished in 2005, when I read his "Silence on the wire" and noted he wasn't much older than I am.

His separate guide on CNC is great[1]. He also has a great intro to electronics[2]. His first book is an amazing survey of totally passive attacks[3]. His second book is a comprehensive survey of web application osecurity[4].





Wow, that CNC guide is awesome. Is there anything like this for metalworking-oriented machining?
Sample chapter of 'Silence on the wire':

Edit: Almost funny to see FTP actually being used to, you know, transfer files. As Scotty would say, "How quaint!"

warning: sample in polish (as the host dn)
Sep 06, 2009 · yan on PHP's silly PRNG
Zalewski's "Silence On The Wire" (which is totally fantastic in its own right) graphs a few PRNGs and discusses their issues.

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