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Software Project Survival Guide (Pro -- Best Practices)

Steve McConnell · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Software Project Survival Guide (Pro -- Best Practices)" by Steve McConnell.
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Amazon Summary
Equip yourself with SOFTWARE PROJECT SURVIVAL GUIDE. It's for everyone with a stake in the outcome of a development project--and especially for those without formal software project management training. That includes top managers, executives, clients, investors, end-user representatives, project managers, and technical leads. Here you'll find guidance from the acclaimed author of the classics CODE COMPLETE and RAPID DEVELOPMENT. Steve McConnell draws on solid research and a career's worth of hard-won experience to map the surest path to your goal--what he calls "one specific approach to software development that works pretty well most of the time for most projects." Nineteen chapters in four sections cover the concepts and strategies you need for mastering the development process, including planning, design, management, quality assurance, testing, and archiving. For newcomers and seasoned project managers alike, SOFTWARE PROJECT SURVIVAL GUIDE draws on a vast store of techniques to create an elegantly simplified and reliable framework for project management success. So don't worry about wandering among complex sets of project management techniques that require years to sort out and master. SOFTWARE PROJECT SURVIVAL GUIDE goes straight to the heart of the matter to help your projects succeed. And that makes it a required addition to every professional's bookshelf.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
Perhaps this: Steve Maguire: Debugging the Development Process: Practical Strategies for Staying Focused, Hitting Ship Dates, and Building Solid Teams (1994)

edit: Or maybe it was Steve McConnell's you recommend?:

Software Project Survival Guide (Microsoft, 1997)

You really think that the only thing you need to produce a shrink wrapped game that is in production for 2 years is someone to code and someone to take care of art and design? And you really don't understand why I would say that project management on that project is very different than project management on a website that delivers incremental revisions every week?

Sorry, but you clearly have some things to learn. Go pick up and learn what a stand alone project on the scale of that game needs to do just to have a reasonable chance of success. Virtually none of that book applies to the incrementally developed website.

Oh, and don't forget that the game has no chance of success without a lot of non-software work such as licensing and marketing.

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