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Real-Time Collision Detection (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3-D Technology)

Christer Ericson · 8 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Real-Time Collision Detection (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3-D Technology)" by Christer Ericson.
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Amazon Summary
Written by an expert in the game industry, Christer Ericson's new book is a comprehensive guide to the components of efficient real-time collision detection systems. The book provides the tools and know-how needed to implement industrial-strength collision detection for the highly detailed dynamic environments of applications such as 3D games, virtual reality applications, and physical simulators.Of the many topics covered, a key focus is on spatial and object partitioning through a wide variety of grids, trees, and sorting methods. The author also presents a large collection of intersection and distance tests for both simple and complex geometric shapes. Sections on vector and matrix algebra provide the background for advanced topics such as Voronoi regions, Minkowski sums, and linear and quadratic programming.Of utmost importance to programmers but rarely discussed in this much detail in other books are the chapters covering numerical and geometric robustness, both essential topics for collision detection systems. Also unique are the chapters discussing how graphics hardware can assist in collision detection computations and on advanced optimization for modern computer architectures. All in all, this comprehensive book will become the industry standard for years to come.
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Realtime collision detection[1] has a fantastic chapter in this with some really good practical examples if I remember right.

Great book, I used to refer to it as 3D "data structures" book which is very much in theme with this thread.


It's a stellar book. I work on a commercial realtime physics engine, the "orange book" is practically required reading here.
I often recommend this book, RTCD, as a "better intro to data structures and algorithms" (sometimes as "the best"). The advice often falls on deaf ears, unfortunately.
Seconding the RTCD recommendation. Handy code examples, and my favorite part is that the book is real-world-performance-conscious (hence the "real-time" in the title).
The implicit grid data structure from there is a personal favorite of mine. I used it in a game once and it performed incredibly well for our use case.

It's a bit too complicated to totally summarize here, but it uses a bit per object in the scene. Then bit-wise operations are used to perform quick set operations on objects.

This data structure got me generally interested in algorithms that use bits for set operations. I found the Roaring Bitmap github page has a lot of useful information and references wrt this topic:

I spent a lot of time optimizing an octree for ray tracing. It is my favorite "spatial index" because it's the only one I know that can be dynamically updated and always results in the same structure for given object placement.
If you're curious about this area, Real-Time Collision Detection[1] is one of my favorite technical books on this topic. While the title is "Collision Detection" it's basically data structures for 2D/3D. It's also the only algorithms book I've seen to actually have a section on CPU cache-aware algorithms instead of assuming you only care about big-O notation.


Mar 28, 2020 · vvanders on New Grad vs. Senior Dev
Yup, so much truth here.

Take a look at Real-time Collision Detection[1]. I takes a great look at both algorithmic complexity and cache awareness. That's how it should be done.


Real-time collision detection (Real-Time Collision Detection (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Interactive 3-D Technology) also deserves a spot on this list.
I would also add Real-Time Rendering[2] and Real-Time Collision Detection[3] to the list of absolutely essential game development books.

[1] [2] [3]

Along similar lines Real-Time Collision Detection[1] is a tour-de-force in spatial partitioning algorithms. It's basically data-structures for 2D/3D along with some really good coverage of common floating point numerical issues and cache friendly algorithms.

Easily the in the top 3 technical books I've purchased. Each page is solid gold and very little space is wasted.

[1] -

If one is choosing C++ then performance is probably a part of the requirements equation.

These books discuss performant (and sometimes complex) C++ code - in the domain of computer graphics.

About how to use the new threading standard:

Those two will clean up most of the biggest newbie mistakes, especially the Gregory one.

I also suggest this book for collision detection:

However, I haven't found the book that can adequately explain integrating collision into the rest of the game. It's a tricky subject which I'm still learning and might write about someday.

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