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Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos

Seth Lloyd · 4 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos" by Seth Lloyd.
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Amazon Summary
Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd, the answer is yes. All interactions between particles in the universe, Lloyd explains, convey not only energy but also information–in other words, particles not only collide, they compute. What is the entire universe computing, ultimately? “Its own dynamical evolution,” he says. “As the computation proceeds, reality unfolds.” Programming the Universe, a wonderfully accessible book, presents an original and compelling vision of reality, revealing our world in an entirely new light.
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In his book Programming the Universe[0][1], quantum physicist Seth Lloyd calculates that if you had every atom in the universe computing for the age of the universe to generate strings of text randomly, it would not likely have written even the first line of Hamlet. His solution to how we managed to get the entirety of Hamlet plus the rest of Shakespeare's works given much less resources (i.e. evolution on one small planet culminating in one playwright) is that the monkeys/atoms are not typing text into typewriters but instead typing code into a computers.

[0]Programming the Universe, by Seth Lloyd, a great read about physics and computation:

[1]The book is accessible with free account at

[1]Interview with Lloyd where he also mentions this calculation (search for "hamlet"):

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Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos - Seth Lloyd[15]

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Ordinary computer can't model even a small quantum system exactly in finite time because it has to deal with infinite-dimension matrices to do it. In other hands, quantum computer could model any quantum system of the same size by one-to-one mapping of degrees of freedom. So you could build a quantum computer that just models your computer and do anything you could do on your ordinary computer on the quantum one.

If you are interested in the subject try to read this book (you can skip the parts about the Universe as quantum computer because they are controversial and a kind of metaphysics, just read a few first chapters to pick up the idea of quantum computations).

Programming the Universe by Seth Lloyd really helped me to understand this stuff.
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