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The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care

Clayton M. M. Christensen · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care" by Clayton M. M. Christensen.
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Amazon Summary
THE BOOK THAT’S REVOLUTIONIZING HEALTH CARE IN AMERICAA groundbreaking prescription for reform—from a legendary leader in innovation.“Clear, entertaining, and provocative, The Innovator’s Prescription should be read by anyone who cares about improving the health and health care of all.”―Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, President and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation“Comprehensive in its vision, astute in its diagnosis, and clear in its guidance, The Innovator’s Prescription offers strong medicine for a heath care system that is far from well.”—Harvey V. Fineberg, MD, President, Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationOur health care system is in critical condition. The Affordable Care Act has insured more Americans than ever, yet deductibles keep rising and costs continue to climb. Now more than ever, the industry needs a shot in the arm. It needs The Innovator’s Prescription, the now-classic approach to efficient, affordable health care. Learn how to:• Deliver personalized care at a lower cost with “precision medicine”• Improve quality, accessibility, and affordability using a disruptive business model• Enable better treatment of chronic diseases through patient networks• Diagnose problems and find solutions faster using new technology • Take advantage of insurance and regulatory reforms to provide the best care possible
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Do you have any references to their analysis? I would love to read it.

Most people talk about ideas and politics without getting into the technical details of what's happening.

The Innovators Prescription[1] is written by 3 PhD's (2 in medical and running institutions and one in business) who provide an analysis as part of the book.


A lot of it goes to inefficiency. Think of it this way. If you have a factory that makes 1 thing it can optimize around that. It can become cost effective. If you have a factory that can manufacture 10 different things, it becomes less cost effective because you need to be able to switch between the different things. If a factory can produce 100 different things it's even less efficient.

Hospitals deal with thousands of things. Their overhead and complexity are high. This leads to inefficiency which costs more.

I've read that the math around the costs map fairly well to the cost models around factories [1].


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