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No bullshit guide to linear algebra

Ivan Savov · 11 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "No bullshit guide to linear algebra" by Ivan Savov.
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Amazon Summary
Linear algebra is the foundation of science and engineering. Knowledge of linear algebra is a prerequisite for studying statistics, machine learning, computer graphics, signal processing, chemistry, economics, quantum mechanics, and countless other applications. Indeed, linear algebra offers a powerful toolbox for modelling the real world. The NO BULLSHIT GUIDE TO LINEAR ALGEBRA shows the connections between the computational techniques of linear algebra, their geometric interpretations, and the theoretical foundations. This university-level textbook contains lessons on linear algebra written in a style that is precise and concise. Each concept is illustrated through definitions, formulas, diagrams, explanations, and examples of real-world applications. Readers build their math superpowers by solving practice problems and learning to use the computer algebra system SymPy to speed up tedious matrix arithmetic tasks. “ The book explains the concepts in a way that gives a strong intuitive understanding. ” — Joe Nestor, student “ It’s very well written and a fun read! ” — Felix Kwok, professor “ I used this book in multiple big data courses when I needed a deeper understanding of the material. ” — Zane Zakraisek, student The author, Ivan Savov, combines 15 years of tutoring experience with a B.Eng. in electrical engineering, an M.Sc. in physics, and a Ph.D. in computer science from McGill University.
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If they have showed any interest in math and/or physics, you should consider getting them my MATH&PHYS book: it's very popular for programmers.

I also have a book on linear algebra, which would be good for people doing more machine learning or data sciency stuff:

Both books are perfect for math haters, since they start out with a review of high school math.

Looks good, thanks, I bought the math one for my son.
Depending on your background and intentions, you might like:




I think the pacing and exercises in the above Strang book are great.

I'll second Strang. I recently re-read his Introduction to Linear Algebra and was struck with how clearly he explains things compared to most other math textbooks (which I've been reading a lot of lately).
There is the No bullshit guide to linear algebra by Ivan Savov.

Could have been us — we have a "free PDF if you email me proof of purchase for print" policy for all our books[1,2,3]. Currently, I handle this manually via email, but I wish this was more automated somehow (e.g. shopping cart plugged into print-on-demand fulfillment API + digital delivery of eBook in all formats).

[1] (high school math review, mechanics, and calculus) [2] (linear algebra) [3] (high school math review)

If you're looking for something very basic (high school and calculus), you can check my book No Bullshit Guide to Math & Physics: Extended preview here:

There is also the No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra Extended preview:

Both come with a review of high school math topics, which may or may not be useful for you, depending on how well you remember the material. Many of the university-level books will assume you know the high school math concepts super well.

One last thing, I highly recommend you try out SymPy which is a computer algebra system that can do a lot of arithmetic and symbolic math operations for you, e.g. simplify expressions, factor polynomials, solve equations, etc. You can try it out without installing anything here and this is a short tutorial that explains the basic commands

Speaking of learning/reviewing linear algebra, I wrote the NO BULLSHIT guide to LINEAR ALGEBRA which covers all the material from first year in a very concise manner.

preview: condensed 4 page tutorial: reviews on amazon:

Hey, I just finished your book. Loved it! I am out of uni already and uses it to brush up.
Nice! Did you work though some of the exercises and problems? Don't be a tourist in the land of math!

If you don't want to bother with pen-and-paper (which is the best, but takes very long), you should at least try some problems using the computer-assisted approach. See samples solutions to first few chapters:

Here is a nice "cheat sheet" that introduces many math concepts needed for ML:

> As soft prerequisites, we assume basic comfortability with linear algebra/matrix calc [...] >

That's a bit of an understatement. I think anyone interested in learning ML should invest the time needed to deeply understand Linear Algebra: vectors, linear transformations, representations, vector spaces, matrix methods, etc. Linear algebra knowledge and intuition is key to all things ML, probably even more important than calculus.

Book plug: I wrote the "No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra" which is a compact little brick that reviews high school math (for anyone who is "rusty" on the basics), covers all the standard LA topics, and also introduces dozens of applications. Check the extended preview here and the amazon reviews

Awesome. I had a really difficult time with math in HS, and never pursued it at all in college, so even though I'm a programmer my math skills are barely at a high school level.

I'd love to get into ML but the math keeps me at bay.

We should find or start a Slack / Discord where we go through a math textbook and conquer our fear of mathematics together.
holy crap that's an amazing idea
Let’s see where it goes

Oh man, this needs to exist.

Hell, I have a CS degree, and my Maths knowledge is horrific. I didn't take Maths at A Level, so I stopped learning any Maths at 16. The course had Maths, but it's surprisingly easy to brute force a solution, and that was a good ten years ago now.

My goal for years has been to learn enough Maths to be able to read Introduction to Algorithms and TAOCP without aid, and recently to be able to better understand ML, but the more I try the more I realise that it's a multi-year investment.


What's a linear transformation? I get that it's f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) and f(cx) = c * f(x)... but what does that really mean?

Why is the dot product equivalent to ||a||*||b|| cos C? I really have no idea, I just know the formulas.

> What's a linear transformation? > I get that it's f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) and f(cx) = c * f(x)... > but what does that really mean?

That's a really good question!

Essentially, when some function (synonym for transformation) is linear, what this tells you is that it has "linear structure," which in turns out to be a very useful property to know about that function.

You can combine the two facts you mentioned above to obtain the equation

   f(a*x + b*y) = a*f(x) + b*f(y)
for which the interpretation is that the linear combination of inputs ax + by is transformed into the SAME linear combination of outputs af(x) + bf(y).

Suppose now that the input space of f can be characterized by some finite set of "directions" e.g. the x- and y-directions in case f is a 2D transformation, or perhaps the x-, y-, and z-directions if f is a 3D transformation. If f is a 3D transformation, using the linear property of f, it is possible to completely understand what f does by "probing" it with three "test inputs," one along each direction. Just input x, y, and z, and record the three output f(x), f(y), and f(z). Since you know f is linear, this probing with three vectors is enough to determine the output of f for any other input ax + by + cz --- the output will be af(x) + bf(y) + cf(z).

See the same explanations as above but in more details here:

So why is this important? Well this "probing with a few input directions" turns out to be really useful. Basically, if f is non-linear, it means it super complicated and would be no simple way to describe what its outputs are for different inputs, but if it is linear then the "probing procedure" works. Furthermore, since both the inputs and outputs have the form of a linear combination (a constant times something + another constant times another thing + a third constant times a third thing), you can arrange these "things" into an array called a matrix and define an operation called "matrix multiplication" which performs the constant-times-something operation of outputs, when you give the constants as an array (vector) of inputs.

In summary, linear algebra is a bunch of machinery for expressing various transformations in terms of vectors and matrices in order to help with modelling various real-world phenomena ranging from computer graphics, biology, chemistry, graphs, crypto, etc. Even ML ;)

"Check this shit out:" hahaha, I will buy this :)
I also recommend Linear Algebra Done Right 3rd Ed
> I think anyone interested in learning ML should invest the time needed to deeply understand Linear Algebra: vectors, linear transformations, representations, vector spaces, matrix methods, etc. Linear algebra knowledge and intuition is key to all things ML, probably even more important than calculus.

To play devil's advocate, (EDIT: an intuitive understanding of) probabilistic reasoning (probability theory, stochastic processes, Bayesian reasoning, graphical models, variational inference) might be equally if not more important.

The emphasis on linear algebra is an artifact of a certain computational mindset (and currently available hardware), and the recent breakthroughs with deep neural networks (tremendously exciting, but modest success, in the larger scheme of what we wish to accomplish with machine learning). Ideas from probabilistic reasoning might well be the blind spot that's holding back progress.

Further, for a lot of people doing "data science" (and not using neural networks out the wazoo) I think that they can abstract away several linear algebra based implementation details if they understand the probabilistic motivations -- which hints at the tremendous potential for the nascent area of "probabilistic programming".

> To play devil's advocate, probabilistic reasoning (probability theory, stochastic processes, Bayesian reasoning, graphical models, variational inference) might be equally if not more important.

For intuition, particularly if you care about vision applications, I think one field of math which is severely underrated by the community is group theory. Trying to understand methods which largely proceed by divining structure without first trying to understand symmetry has to be a challenge.

I'm biased; my training was as a mineralogist and crystallographer! But the serious point here is that much of the value of math is as a source of intuition and useful metaphor. Facility with notation is pretty secondary.

Can you talk about the use of group theory for computer vision or crystallography a bit? I'm familiar with the math but I'm not familiar with group theory's applications in those areas. That sounds pretty interesting. Is it primarily group theory, or does it so venture into abstract algebra more generally?
For crystallography, the use of group theory in part originates in X-ray crystallography [1], where the goal is to take 2D projections of a repeating 3D structure (crystal), and use that along with other rules that you know to re-infer what the 3D structure is.

Repeating structures have symmetries, so seeing the symmetries in your diffraction pattern inform you of the possible symmetries (and hence possible arrangements) in your crystal. Group theory is the study of symmetry.

By the way, this is also how the structure of DNA was inferred [2], although not from a crystal.



I thought the work on the structure of DNA used Fourier analysis more than group theory.

I know harmonic analysis in general combines the two, but I'm sure Crick and Watson could have done their work without knowing the definition of a group.

And by Crick and Watson you mean Crick, Watson, Franklin and Wilkins, right? It's fairly clear all four deserve at least partial authorship by modern standards. James Watson was a piece of work.


Crick was absolutely certainly familiar with the crystallographic space groups; he was the student of Lawrence Bragg (, who is the youngest ever Nobel laureate in physics – winning it with his father for more or less inventing X-ray crystallography. It's mostly 19th-century mathematics, after all.

> use that along with other rules that you know to re-infer what the 3D structure is

Great answer, thank you :-) Saved me a bunch of typing to explain it less well than you just did.

It's worth adding, for this crowd, that another way of thinking about the "other rules" you allude to is as a system of constraints; you can then set this up as an optimization problem (find the set of atomic positions minimizing reconstruction error under the set of symmetry constraints implied by the space group – so that means that solving crystal structures and machine learning are functionally isomorphic problems.

For ML, you need both—probability to justify the setup of the problem, and linear algebra and calculus to optimize for a solution.

A simple example is with linear regression: find w such that the squared l2 norm of (Xw - y) is minimized.

Linear algebra will help with generalizing to n data points; and calculus will help with taking the gradient and setting equal to 0.

Probability will help with understanding why the squared l2 norm is an appropriate cost function; we assumed y = Xw + z, where z is Gaussian, and tried to maximize the likelihood of seeing y given x.

I’m sure there’s more examples of this duality since linear regression is one of the more basic topics in ML.

> To play devil's advocate, probabilistic reasoning (probability theory, stochastic processes, Bayesian reasoning, graphical models, variational inference) might be equally if not more important.

And of course, you're not going to get very far with probability theory and stochastic processes unless you have a mature understanding of analysis and measure theory :)

This comment exchange neatly demonstrates the intrinsic problem. Most of these articles start off much like this one does: by assuming "basic comfortability with linear algebra." That sounds straightforward, but most software engineers don't have it. They haven't needed it, so they haven't retained it even if they learned it in college. It takes a good student a semester in a classroom to achieve that "comfortability", and for most it doesn't come until a second course or after revisiting the material.

If you don't already have it, you can't just use StackExchange to fill in the blanks. The random walk method to learning math doesn't really pan out for advanced material because it all builds on prior definitions. Then people like you make a comment to point out (correctly) that probability theory is just as important for all the machine learning that isn't just numerical optimization. But unless you want to restrict yourself to basic statistics and discrete probability, you're going to have a bad time working on probability without analysis. And analysis is going to a pain without calculus, and so on and so forth.

There are certain things you need to spend a lot of time learning. Engineering and mathematics are both like that. But I think many of these articles do a disservice by implying that you can cut down on the learning time for the math if you have engineering experience. That's really not the case. If you're working in machine learning and you need to know linear algebra (i.e. you can't just let the underlying library handle that for you), you can't just pick and choose what you need. You need to have a robust understanding of the material. There isn't a royal road.

I think it's really great people like the author (who is presumably also the submitter) want to write these kinds of introductions. But at the same time, the author is a research assistant in the Stanford AI Lab. I think it's fair to say he may not have a firm awareness of how far most software engineers are from the prerequisites he outlined. And by extension, I don't think most people know what "comfortability with linear algebra" means if they don't already have it. It's very hard to enumerate your unknown unknowns in this territory.

to achieve that "comfortability"

"comfort" is a perfectly cromulent word for this.

I was quoting the article; but thank you, I didn't know that. Good to know.
Ah, my mistake. I must have edited it right out when I read the thing and took the quotes for 'I know I'm making up a word but can't think of anything better right this second'.
I get what you are saying, but is the right way to learn math with a "connected path". I've heard "The art of problem solving" series works through math in the correct way, but I'm not sure how far I would get on that alone. Right now I'm trying to gain intuition in linear algebra via OCW with Strang, but I would like to truly understand. Is the only way to just to do a second bachelors in math?
You don't need to do a second bachelors - you really need four or so courses. If you have the patience and dedication you can sit down with the textbooks and work through them on your own.
Can you recommend books and online courses to hammer these concepts down? I used PCA and k-means for my masters thesis but didn’t really know how well they work under the covers.
As is mentioned in this thread, Linear Algebra Done Right is a solid textbook for learning linear algebra. I might start there =).

There's always more you might want to learn, but when people talk about these basics, it's really just being super focused in 4 or so classes, not a whole ivy league undergrad curriculum in math.

probability & stats, multivariable calculus, and linear algebra will take you a long way.

> They haven't needed it, so they haven't retained it even if they learned it in college.

True for me. I knew all of these from my course work when I graduated with my CS degree in 1996. I haven't used them at all in my career, and so I'd be starting basically from scratch re-learning them.

Cool. I will look into those, but I was asking as a general interest in math question. I actually have no interest in machine learning. I'm bored of chasing money. Interested in 3D computer graphics and math for math's sake.
Here is a shameless plug to my book on linear algebra that comes with an introduction to quantum mechanics (Chapter 9):

If you know you linear algebra well, learning quantum mechanics is not so complicated, see the book preview here:

"Pay the authors" is a really good strategy to incentivize the production of quality content. Get rid of the publishers and just have a short supply chain: author --print_on_demand--> readers. With a price tag in the 20-50 range, a prof could make a living from this book, even if the book isn't popular. When using print-on-demand and cutting out all the middlemen, the margins are very good (50% of list price vs 5% if going with mainstream publisher).

The useful part of a publisher is developmental editing (product) and copy editing (Q/A), so there is an opportunity for "lightweight" publishing companies that help expert authors produce the book—like self publishing, but you don't have to do the boring parts. I'm working in that space. We have two textbooks out: and

I'm curious what you think of the "No Bullshit Guide to Linear Algebra" [1]? I'm considering buying it to refresh my knowledge from school. Or what books do you suggest?


Here is a direct link to the page in the preview of the book where the matrix-product-is-the-same-as-linear-transformation idea first appears:

I can't quite tell if the book passes the test, since the entry-point is the definition of matrix-vector product which is very close to a "complicated formula with a couple of nested sigmas" but the book also mentions the notion of matrix representations, so hard to tell overall.

It... more or less passes the test?

I mean, it defines matrix-vector product in a nice but abstract way, and then in the next paragraph explains why we chose that definition. And it does say "this, this here is the one important idea in this book", which it gets many points for.

I really would prefer a textbook to start with "ok, here's something we want to do. Lets figure out a formula for it. Now lets give it the name matrix-vector product".

Same for matrix-matrix products.

I don't know any really good linear algebra books, in my school it was taught the worst possible way (define a field, rote-learn the mechanical operation of matrix multiplication, talk about vector spaces for a while, talk about matrices, first mention linear transformations). Some people on this thread gave other suggestions, I'd start reading a few and choose the one I connect with the best.

Anyway, I really learned linear algebra from using it.

Very well done. Short, yet covers all the necessary details.

Shameless plug, check out my book for an in-depth view of the linear algebra background necessary for quantum computing.

If you know linear algebra well, then quantum mechanics and quantum computing is nothing fancy: just an area of applications (See Chapter 9 on QM). Here is an excerpt:

Hey, love your book. I don't remember how far back I purchased it, but it was back in the days where it wasn't done and we were getting updates pushed via email.

Keep up the good work!

I'm definitely going to check your book out, but in the mean time I was wondering if you could help me zort something out from this article. Author states:

Check these quantum states out as examples, which cannot be broken into a tensor product of two other states, they are unseparable -

Ex.1: 1/sqrt(2)∣00⟩ + 1/sqrt(2)∣11⟩ !=∣ψ1​⟩⊗∣ψ2​⟩

Ex.2: 1/sqrt(2)∣01⟩ − 1/sqrt(2)∣10⟩ !=∣ψ1​⟩⊗∣ψ2​⟩

So, in all previous 2 qubit examples he showed yielded 4 states (00, 01, 10, 11). Is the author saying that some two-qubit systems can be achieved such that not all 4 possible discrete states can participate in superposition? (i.e. in the system of ex. 1, states 10 and 01 are not possible and in ex. 2, states 00 and 11 are not possible?)

The four states |00⟩, |01⟩, |10⟩, |11⟩ form a basis so any two-qubit state can be written as a linear combination of these vectors: ∣ψ⟩ = a|00⟩ +b|01⟩ +c|10⟩ + d|11⟩. If a certain coefficients in the linear combination are zero, e.g., b and c for the 00+11 state, or a and d for the second one, this doesn't have any special meaning.

The classification of states as separable vs entangled refers to the existence of a local description for the two qubits. Remember that |00⟩ is shorthand for |0⟩⊗|0⟩, meaning the state of the two-qubit system when qubit 1 is in state |0⟩ and qubit 2 is in state |0⟩.

Separable states can be written in the form (α|0⟩+β|1⟩)⊗(γ|0⟩+δ|1⟩) = ∣ψ1​⟩⊗∣ψ2​⟩. Note there is a clear local description for the first qubit ∣ψ1​⟩ and and a separate local description of the state ∣ψ2⟩. If Alice prepares her qubit 1 in the state ∣ψ1​⟩ and Bob prepares his qubit 2 in the state ∣ψ2⟩ then the combine description of their two qubits is what's shown above. The state of the combined system is describable as the tensor product of two separate local descriptions.

Entangled states, on the contrary, are states that cannot be described as the tensor product of two local descriptions. Specifically, there exist configurations a,b,c,d for a two-qubit quantum system such that

      a|00⟩ +b|01⟩ +c|10⟩ + d|11⟩   ≠   (α|0⟩+β|1⟩) ⊗ (γ|0⟩+δ|1⟩)
no matter what choice of α,β,γ,δ you make. The phenomenon of entanglement is a quantum-only thing, that can't really be understood via classical analogies, since classical systems can necessarily be described as the combination of two local descriptions. The examples given are two of the four Bell states, see , but there are many more entangled states. Here is a concrete physics example

Interestingly, many of the quantum computing experiments perform involve the manipulation of entabgled states because they serve as proof that something quantum is going on...

Holy smokes - that is an amazing response! I can't claim that I'm fully grasping the mathematics of entangled vs separable states at this moment, but what you've written seems very clear and I think if I go through it a few more times with the links, I may finally get it after all these years of bewilderment. Thank you!
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