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Visualizing Data

William S. Cleveland · 3 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Visualizing Data" by William S. Cleveland.
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Visualizing Data is about visualization tools that provide deep insight into the structure of data. There are graphical tools such as coplots, multiway dot plots, and the equal count algorithm. There are fitting tools such as loess and bisquare that fit equations, nonparametric curves, and nonparametric surfaces to data. But the book is much more than just a compendium of useful tools. It conveys a strategy for data analysis that stresses the use of visualization to thoroughly study the structure of data and to check the validity of statistical models fitted to data. The result of the tools and the strategy is a vast increase in what you can learn from your data. The book demonstrates this by reanalyzing many data sets from the scientific literature, revealing missed effects and inappropriate models fitted to data.
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William Cleveland, "Elements of Graphing Data"[1] and "Visualizing Data"[2]

Cleveland worked at Bell Labs and his work is timeless and very practical. It isn't about artwork or making things look nice. It's about communicating information. I like to contrast his work with Tufte's. Tufte comes up with some nice stuff but I find it to be more art than science where the information is clearly sacrificed to ascetics. With visualizations I always ask myself, "Do you know more now about what is going on than you did before or is it just something nice to look at?" Way too often it's the latter.



If you're looking for a more quantitative version of Tufte, I highly recommend Cleveland ( and Wilkinson (
The difference between Cleveland and Tufte is that the former is "empirical" (he discusses lots of results from psychological studies on comprehension of graphics) rather than one man's opinion. Also, Cleveland actually has accomplished something other than scolding and praising.

Personally, I liked Cleveland's "Elements of Graphing Data" ( better than "Visualizing Data", though they overlap a lot.

I think Cleveland was the first person to write about DV. Anyway, this book has been recommended to me several times

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