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Master and Margarita: A Critical Companion (AATSEEL)

Laura Weeks · 1 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Master and Margarita: A Critical Companion (AATSEEL)" by Laura Weeks.
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Amazon Summary
An edited collection, part of the acclaimed AATSEEL Critical Companions series, that guides readers through Mikhail Bulgakov's satirical masterpiece. The introduction places The Master and Margarita and Bulgakov within Russian history and literature, and essays by prominent scholars offer opinion and analysis of the novel's structure, its place in current criticism, its connection to Goethe, and its symbolism and motifs. There is also an abundance of primary source material, including an excerpt from an earlier version of the novel, and related correspondence and diary entries.
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Thanks for mentioning an amazing book of literature. The Master and Margarita is my favorite fiction book! I've read it in two translations and I prefer the Burgin & O'Connor to the Glenny, but both are great.

Everytime I read it I gain more insights. I absolutely recommend reading this book alongside a readers guide which gives more background and depth, there are many biblical, historical, and author-related references that won't be understood otherwise. The author's own life is massively relevent to the events of the novel. I recommend this guide:

Was amazed when I saw the recommendation on the top comment. My fiancé recommended me this book and I just finished it on my commute this morning (this specific translation). Still thinking about it! Wonderful book, super engaging and just absolutely beautifully written. I couldn't put it down. Highly recommended!
About depth of the book: we've studied it in literature class in Russia for a month, because it's a kaleidoscope of interpretations, one would definitely miss too much without a guide (especially in 17 y.o. as myself). The only piece with more class time is War and Peace for obvious reasons.
What about Almost Zero? How does that stack up? I am dying to read that
I've never heard about this book. What can you tell us about it?
It's good but nothing outstanding, the ending is particulary weak. But that's fine because the author is not a professional writer.
Any particular reason for preferring that translation? I'm always curious to hear others' thoughts before picking one to read.
I did a meta review of translations before trying that particular translation. I found it extremely readable, and the humor comes through nicely, while also maintaining some of the long sentences Bulgakov liked and remaining faithful in general to his style.
My experience with secondary literature about MaM is negative. I went to the University Library and checked out a massive commentary on it and a book about its interpretation.

The latter argued that, contrary to a common notion, Woland is emphatically not the Devil. I did not get far in trying to understand it, but this and the similarly non-understandable commentary really took away some fun out of reading the book, because I constantly felt I was too stupid to get it.

Reading commentary is good, but maybe on a way lower level than literature professors trying to make a name.

I can sympathize with this, however, if you read my recommended guide, it absolutely isn't "that kind" of criticism. It's very readable and made a lot of sense to me. :)
I just wanted to point out the hilarity of this in the context of the book's literary critic thread :)
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