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CliffsComplete Shakespeare's Hamlet

William Shakespeare · 1 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "CliffsComplete Shakespeare's Hamlet" by William Shakespeare.
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Amazon Summary
In the CliffsComplete guides, the novel's complete text and a glossary appear side-by-side with coordinating numbered lines to help you understand unusual words and phrasing. You'll also find all the commentary and resources of a standard CliffsNotes for Literature.CliffsComplete Hamlet covers details of the most widely produced and critiqued Shakespearean play. Written in poignant language, Hamlet contains all the elements necessary for a good tragedy, including a brave and daring hero who suffers a fatal flaw.Discover what happens to the complicated cast of characters — and save valuable studying time — all at once. Enhance your reading of Hamlet with these additional features:A summary and insightful commentary for each chapterBibliography and historical background on the author, William ShakespeareA look at Early Modern England historical, intellectual, religious, and social contextInsight into the play's classical elements and languageA character map that graphically illustrates the relationships among the charactersReview questions, a quiz, discussion guide, and activity ideasA Resource Center full of books, articles, films, and Web sitesStreamline your literature study with all-in-one help from CliffsComplete guides!
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Relicensing from second parties to third parties is acceptable, because so long as my publication is discoverable (via catalog, search engine, etc...), the third party could obtain the public-domain permission for (the copyrighted parts which are in fact) my work.

Somewhat analogously, in the United States you can publish copyrighted works that contain, and even largely consist of, public-domain content. An example off the top of my head is this book [ CliffsComplete Shakespeare's Hamlet ]( ) that I used in school. This was how I was introduced to, and first read, the play. The bulk of the text consists of Shakespeare's "Hamlet", which is in the public domain in the United States, and does not require attribution or licensing. The annotations, footnotes, and explanations are original and copyrighted by the publisher (Cliff's Notes). However, I can extract the original play within and redistribute it, or novel works based on it, without worrying about violating rights held by Cliff's Notes.

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