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Professional Assembly Language

Richard Blum · 5 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Professional Assembly Language" by Richard Blum.
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Unlike high-level languages such as Java and C++, assembly language is much closer to the machine code that actually runs computers; it's used to create programs or modules that are very fast and efficient, as well as in hacking exploits and reverse engineering Covering assembly language in the Pentium microprocessor environment, this code-intensive guide shows programmers how to create stand-alone assembly language programs as well as how to incorporate assembly language libraries or routines into existing high-level applications Demonstrates how to manipulate data, incorporate advanced functions and libraries, and maximize application performance Examples use C as a high-level language, Linux as the development environment, and GNU tools for assembling, compiling, linking, and debugging
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A lot of the articles I link to at the end should be helpful. I'm torn; the compiler manuals have so much useful info in them, but they suck when it comes to learning assembly for the first time. Maybe someone else has a good book that they would recommend? Maybe this [0] but with some of the updates in mind.


From the ground up? Well, there's always the source:

For learning assembly? For MASM I enjoyed this book years ago:

For GAS something like this might be more appropriate:

Patterson & Hennessy is used a lot in colleges to teach low-level architecture and assembly:

Nov 27, 2012 · robomartin on I’m writing my own OS
OK, if you don't have any real experience in low-level embedded coding (relevant to device drivers), RTOS or OS design in general, file systems, data structures, algorithms, interfaces, etc. And, if you have "hobby level" experience with Assembler, C and C++. And, if your intent is to write a desktop OS, from the ground up, without making use of existing technologies, drivers, file systems, memory management, POSIX, etc. Here's a list of books that could be considered required reading before you can really start to write specifications and code. Pick twenty of these and that might be a good start.

In no particular order:






















































54- ...well, I'll stop here.

Of course, the equivalent knowledge can be obtained by trial-and-error, which would take longer and might result in costly errors and imperfect design. The greater danger here is that a sole developer, without the feedback and interaction of even a small group of capable and experienced programmers could simply burn a lot of time repeating the mistakes made by those who have already trenched that territory.

If the goal is to write a small RTOS on a small but nicely-featured microcontroller, then the C books and the uC/OS book might be a good shove in the right direction. Things start getting complicated if you need to write such things as a full USB stack, PCIe subsystem, graphics drivers, etc.

The guy don't want to write a perfectly designed OS, neither he wants to design a RTOS by the way ... He didn't even specify whether his OS would be multitask. If not, no need for any scheduling at all, huh ... he just "writes his own OS". It's a fun experience, very rich and very teaching. But at least now, we all can admire the wideness of all your "unlimited knowledge" especially in terms of titles of books. Afterall, no needs for creating a new OS, if you get all your inspiration from things that already exists. You will end with Yet Another Nix ... Not sure he wants a YanOS, though.

Without talking about filesystems, drivers, memory managment or existing norms and standards (which it seems he wants to avoid ... which is not that stupid ... all having been designed 40 years ago ... who knows maybe he'll have a revolutionary idea, beginning from scratch), going from scratch with no exact idea of where you go could be a good thing. Definitely. You solve the problem only when you face them. Step by step, sequentially. Very virile, man.

I would advice the guy to start obviously with the boot loader. Having a look at the code of GRUB (v1), LILO, or better yet, on graphical ones (BURG, GAG or this good one XOSL which is completely under GUI - mouse pointer, up to 1600x1200 screens, and many supported filesystems, written in ASM ... it could actually be a hacking basis for a basic OS on itself) could be a great source of inspiration, and beginning to play directly with the graphical environment.

You could also have a look on these things and of course on Kolibri OS

Blah, blah, blah ...

Better advice would be: Try, make mistakes, learn from them, continue.

Way, way, way less discouraging, pessimistic and above all pedantic.

> If the goal is to write a small RTOS on a small but nicely-featured microcontroller, then the C books and the uC/OS book might be a good shove in the right direction. Things start getting complicated if you need to write such things as a full USB stack, PCIe subsystem, graphics drivers, etc.

I've always wondered if there could be created some way to skip this step in [research] OS prototyping, by creating a shared library (exokernel?) of just drivers, while leaving the "design decisions" of the OS (system calls, memory management, scheduling, filesystems, &c.--you know, the things people get into OS development to play with) to the developer.

People already sort of do this by targeting an emulator like VirtualBox to begin with--by doing so, you only (initially) need one driver for each feature you want to add, and the emulator takes care of portability. But this approach can't be scaled up to a hypervisor (Xen) or KVM, because those expect their guest operating systems to also have relevant drivers for (at least some of) the hardware.

I'm wondering at this point if you could, say, fork Linux to strip it down to "just the drivers" to start such a project (possibly even continuing to merge in driver-related commits from upstream) or if this would be a meaningless proposition--how reliant are various drivers of an OS on OS kernel-level daemons that themselves rely on the particular implementation of OS process management, OS IPC, etc.? Could you code for the Linux driver-base without your project growing strongly isomorphic structures such as init, acpid, etc.?

Because, if you could--if the driver-base could just rely on a clean, standardized, exported C API from the rest of the kernel, then perhaps (and this is the starry-eyed dream of mine) we could move "hardware support development" to a separate project from "kernel development", and projects like HURD and Plan9 could "get off the ground" in terms of driver support.

A lot depends on the platform. If the OS is for a WinTel motherboard it is one thing. If, however, the idea is to bypass driver development for a wide range of platforms it gets complicated.

In my experience one of the most painful aspects of bringing up an OS on a new platform is exactly this issue of drivers as well as file systems. A little google-ing quickly reveals that these are some of the areas where one might have to spend big bucks in the embedded world in order to license such modules as FFS (Flash File System) with wear leveling and other features as well as USB and networking stacks. Rolling your own as a solo developer or even a small team could very well fit into the definition of insanity. I have done a good chunk of a special purpose high-performance FFS. It was an all-absorbing project for months and, realistically, in the end, it did not match all of the capabilities of what could be had commercially.

This is where it is easy to justify moving into a more advanced platform in order to be able to leverage Embedded Linux. Here you get to benefit and leverage the work of tens of thousands of developers devoted to scratching very specific itches.

The down-side, of course, is that if what you need isn't implemented in the boad support package for the processor you happen to be working with, well, you are screwed. The idea that you can just write it yourself because it's Linux is only applicable if you or your team are well-versed in Linux dev at a low enough level. If that is not the case you are back to square one. If you have to go that route you have to hire an additional developer that knows this stuff inside out. That could mean $100K per year. So now your are, once again, back at square one: hiring a dev might actually be more exoensive than licensing a commercial OS with support, drivers, etc.

I was faced with exactly that conundrum a few years ago. We ended-up going with Windows CE (as ugly as that may sound). There are many reasons for that but the most compelling one may have been that we could identify an OEM board with the right I/O, features, form factor, price and full support for all of the drivers and subsystems we needed. In other words, we could focus on developing the actual product rather than having to dig deeper and deeper into low-level issues.

It'd be great if low level drivers could be universal and platform independent to the degree that they could be used as you suggest. Obviously VM-based platforms like Java can offer something like that so long as someone has done the low-level work for you. All that means is that you don't have to deal with the drivers.

To go a little further, part of the problem is that no standard interface exists to talk to chips. In other words, configuring and running a DVI transmitter, a serial port and a Bluetooth I/F are vastly different even when you might be doing some of the same things. Setting up data rates, clocks, etc. can be day and night from chip to chip.

I haven't really given it much thought. My knee-jerk reaction is that it would be very hard to crate a unified, discoverable, platform-independent mechanism to program chips. The closest one could possibly approach this idea would be if chip makers were expected to provide drivers written to a common interface. Well, not likely or practical.

Not an easy problem.

> It'd be great if low level drivers could be universal and platform independent to the degree that they could be used as you suggest. Obviously VM-based platforms like Java can offer something like that so long as someone has done the low-level work for you. All that means is that you don't have to deal with the drivers.

Another thought: if not just a package of drivers, then how stripped down (for the purpose of raw efficiency) could you make an operating system intended only to run an emulator (IA32, JVM, BEAM, whatever) for "your" operating system? Presumably you could strip away scheduling, memory security, etc. since the application VM could be handling those if it wanted to. Is there already a major project to do this for Linux?

I recently decided I wanted to learn assembly language. So far I haven't started but I spent an hour or two perusing books on assembly language on Amazon, reading product descriptions and users' reviews, and I decided to start from this one:

The reasons I chose it are

(1) It's introductory, i.e., a good first book for a complete noob. (2) It's very Linux-centric. Most good books on assembly language assume you use Windows or even DOS it seems. (3) One of the reviews says, "you will get a good workout using the gdb debugger." Sounds like fun.

OK. Depending on your programming background you're facing a steep learning curve. That's why I recommend a bottom up approach for you.

First read "Code" by Charles Petzold. This book will get you "in the mood" and in the right frame of mind:

Then I suggest you pick up a good book on Assembler. This might be a good choice:

Start writing some drivers for Linux. Like a memdrive or something. Do it all in Assembler! Oh, you need to read other books on how to do this...

Then pick up the K&R book on C. Now write your memdrive driver in C.

That should get you started. I think it will take you at least up to two years before you're passed the learning curve and to be comfortable with this level of programming.

Oh, you need to be willing to do it for the love of it because it's highly unlikely that you will make a living using these sort of technologies (nowadays).

Good luck!

PS: I miss the old days...

Sounds good, thanks bro, interesting approach ;D
I wouldn't start off by writing a driver in assembler, probably better to write it in C first, then use the -S flag to get the intermediate and study that until you drop.
Writing device drivers in C, and then using the -S flag ... have you seen the output gcc -S on Linux (Ubuntu) returns for a trivial hello world program? ;)
Sure. And for non-trivial programs as well.

Low level assembly is what you want, that presumably includes interfacing with you favorite C code.

Calling conventions, stack frames and so on.

Besides, the boilerplate runtime stuff has nothing to do with writing kernel code, so a 'trivial hello world' program will have a lot of cruft added to it:

        .file   "hello.c"
        .section        .rodata
        .string "helo, world!"
  .globl main
        .type   main, @function 
        leal    4(%esp), %ecx
        andl    $-16, %esp

        pushl   -4(%ecx)
        pushl   %ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp
        pushl   %ecx

        subl    $20, %esp
        movl    $.LC0, (%esp)
        call    puts
        addl    $20, %esp

        popl    %ecx
        popl    %ebp

        leal    -4(%ecx), %esp
        .size   main, .-main
        .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) 4.3.3"
        .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
that's not that bad.

Note the stack frame alignment trick, the fact that 'printf' was specified in the source but puts is being called!

The -S flag was invaluable for me when I was moving from C to assembly. Then again, I used it in an iterative fashion, do something simple -S, do the same thing -S -O1, -S -O2, -S O3, and then a spattering of the different optimization techniques to see how it converted the C to assembly. I miss those days (did I just admit to being old?).
Well I'll admit it right along with you, I miss those days too.

I think I must have coded myself to the moon and back by now if you'd print it all out on fanfold paper (in C, mostly), but the joy of getting a little OS to boot up from nothing is never going to pale in comparison to installing framework X and building some web-app. No matter how successful.

Web-apps make substantially more $ though...

I can assure you that if you want to learn C AND Assembler and you start with C, you will never ever get to the Assembler bit. A memdrive isn't that difficult and if you never solve a 'real' problem, you never learn anything because you don't have to push yourself. Just my 2 cents...
It really is your two cents, what goes for you does not go for everybody else.

Some people will learn just for the fun of learning.

You are obviously missing my point. But that's alright...
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