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Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose - Second Edition

Francis-Noël Thomas, Mark Turner · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose - Second Edition" by Francis-Noël Thomas, Mark Turner.
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Amazon Summary
For more than a decade, Clear and Simple as the Truth has guided readers to consider style not as an elegant accessory of effective prose but as its very heart. Francis-Noël Thomas and Mark Turner present writing as an intellectual activity, not a passive application of verbal skills. In classic style, the motive is truth, the purpose is presentation, the reader and writer are intellectual equals, and the occasion is informal. This general style of presentation is at home everywhere, from business memos to personal letters and from magazine articles to student essays. Everyone talks about style, but no one explains it. The authors of this book do; and in doing so, they provoke the reader to consider style, not as an elegant accessory of effective prose, but as its very heart. At a time when writing skills have virtually disappeared, what can be done? If only people learned the principles of verbal correctness, the essential rules, wouldn't good prose simply fall into place? Thomas and Turner say no. Attending to rules of grammar, sense, and sentence structure will no more lead to effective prose than knowing the mechanics of a golf swing will lead to a hole-in-one. Furthermore, ten-step programs to better writing exacerbate the problem by failing to recognize, as Thomas and Turner point out, that there are many styles with different standards. The book is divided into four parts. The first, "Principles of Classic Style," defines the style and contrasts it with a number of others. "The Museum" is a guided tour through examples of writing, both exquisite and execrable. "The Studio," new to this edition, presents a series of structured exercises. Finally, "Further Readings in Classic Prose" offers a list of additional examples drawn from a range of times, places, and subjects. A companion website,, offers supplementary examples, exhibits, and commentary, and features a selection of pieces written by students in courses that used Clear and Simple as the Truth as a textbook.
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The best single book I've ever read on writing well. Had a big impact on me outside of writing, too.

It's too late to edit my comment, but as long as we're talking about it, I just read this article linked earlier today on HN, and it's such a lovely example of the classical style:

The author is clearly trying to give the reader what he/she knows about this subject, clearly and simply. It is straightforward, a delight to read, and an inspiration.

Looks interesting. May I ask what would be the most valuable lesson you got out of it?
The most enduring lesson was an attitudinal shift toward the reader. The book's stance is that the reader is capable of and interested in understanding whatever it is that you want to say, and your job is not to dazzle her, or persuade her, but rather to provide her the conceptual building blocks to conclude what you have yourself concluded.

After reading the book I realized that, without ever having consciously decided to, I had been writing at least a little bit to signal how smart and creative and insightful I was, vs trying to communicate effectively. This was a revelation, and not a happy one -- so much misdirected vanity, to so little purpose!

Or him.
Sep 27, 2015 · thruflo on Google Cloud Platform
Style in writing is about standpoint. Where are you coming from?

Leading with:

> Google Cloud Platform delivers the industry's best technical and differentiated features

Is clearly the standpoint of someone trying to convince you of something and the tone certainly put my hackles up. It's often more effective [1] to adopt the position of someone sharing what they find most interesting about a topic.

Instead of:

> How can a cloud platform be both Better AND Cheaper? > Easy: it turns out that the same technology ...

Maybe something like:

> What's fascinating is that the same technology that allows cloud platform to perform better for these workloads also allows it to be cheaper.


disclaimer: i'm the OP and work for GCP

That completely makes sense to me, and yet runs in mild conflict with the feedback below where at least some users want us to do a bit more "selling". I've heard numerous times from customers and prospects that they'd like for GCP folks to just "spell it out and tell me why I should pick you", so this was my take at doing exactly that.

I'm definitely trying to convince you of something, but I don't want my/our tone to have you come away with a negative impression, or for you to read it as anything other than an excited nerd happy about his tools. Thanks for the feedback!

You're backfilling your standpoint and it's working!

But yup, different forms for different audiences and this works well as supporting material for an investment in GCP.


Would a little fun autobiography from folks on my team give the context/backfill required for us to make sense while being a little assertive?

Thanks for the book link, ordered up!

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