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The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined

Steven Pinker · 3 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" by Steven Pinker.
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Amazon Summary
Selected by The New York Times Book Review as a Notable Book of the Year The author of The New York Times bestseller The Stuff of Thought offers a controversial history of violence. Faced with the ceaseless stream of news about war, crime, and terrorism, one could easily think we live in the most violent age ever seen. Yet as New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker shows in this startling and engaging new work, just the opposite is true: violence has been diminishing for millennia and we may be living in the most peaceful time in our species's existence. For most of history, war, slavery, infanticide, child abuse, assassinations, pogroms, gruesome punishments, deadly quarrels, and genocide were ordinary features of life. But today, Pinker shows (with the help of more than a hundred graphs and maps) all these forms of violence have dwindled and are widely condemned. How has this happened? This groundbreaking book continues Pinker's exploration of the essence of human nature, mixing psychology and history to provide a remarkable picture of an increasingly nonviolent world. The key, he explains, is to understand our intrinsic motives- the inner demons that incline us toward violence and the better angels that steer us away-and how changing circumstances have allowed our better angels to prevail. Exploding fatalist myths about humankind's inherent violence and the curse of modernity, this ambitious and provocative book is sure to be hotly debated in living rooms and the Pentagon alike, and will challenge and change the way we think about our society.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
Yeah I thought that would be posted. Steven Pinker's theories only work if you do things like imagine that we live in a world without slavery...
Pinker reminds me a lot of the Victorian Herbert Spencer. They were both social scientists fascinated by biology and who believed things were just getting better and better. Of course Spencer's fame took a nosedive when the first world war happened (which wasn't predicted at all by his rosy ramblings).
Why does someone self-identify as a rationalist?

I'll just speak for myself in answering your question. Other people who self-identify as rationalists may have other reasons. I self-identify as a rationalist because, after a lifetime of being curious and wanting to know what is true, I have found rationalism a powerful instrumental means of discovering truth. I have found from observation of my own life that knowledge of truth is itself an instrumental means for pursuing other useful goals (for example, making a living for my family) but anyway I think truth-seeking is part of human nature at its best and something fun and worthy for its own sake.

most bad things are propagated by extremely rational actors out of greed and self-interest

I might disagree with you about there being very many "extremely rational actors" in the world,

but I agree with you that many bad acts are prompted by greed and self interest. One of the greatest achievements of rational thought has been a deeper understanding of how human moral sentiments

can be motivated by the actions of human beings pursuing their self-interest.

This discovery has resulted in considerable reduction of violence and other bad things over time,

and promises to provide continued blessings of more peace, prosperity, and freedom as it becomes more widely known to humankind. So I pursue rationalism as a positive good for my family and for my society, after having had a childhood upbringing with more nonrational dogmas than I know adhere to.

If only things were so simple in real life where liberty is often abused so as to threaten the safety of others.

The historical trend has been the other way around: as societies have become more free in general, they have also become safer in general. I would much rather live in the liberty of the United States, where I enjoy a crime-free neighborhood, than in the one-party dictatorship of China in the 1980s, where I saw more fights among strangers in public in three weeks in three different cities than I have seen in an entire lifetime traveling all over the United States.

See Steven Pinker's new book

for more about increasing safety of human societies over time (when the long-term trend has also plainly been in the direction of greater individual liberty for all aspects of human behavior).

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