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The Evolution of Cooperation: Revised Edition

Robert Axelrod, Richard Dawkins · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "The Evolution of Cooperation: Revised Edition" by Robert Axelrod, Richard Dawkins.
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Amazon Summary
A famed political scientist's classic argument for a more cooperative world We assume that, in a world ruled by natural selection, selfishness pays. So why cooperate? In The Evolution of Cooperation, political scientist Robert Axelrod seeks to answer this question. In 1980, he organized the famed Computer Prisoners Dilemma Tournament, which sought to find the optimal strategy for survival in a particular game. Over and over, the simplest strategy, a cooperative program called Tit for Tat, shut out the competition. In other words, cooperation, not unfettered competition, turns out to be our best chance for survival. A vital book for leaders and decision makers, The Evolution of Cooperation reveals how cooperative principles help us think better about everything from military strategy, to political elections, to family dynamics.
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Folks interested in reading more about the Prisoner's Dilemma might want to read Robert Axelrods' The Evolution of Cooperation.

He also wrote a follow-up book, The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration

Buy the author's book:

And please put a NSFW tag on links to a racist's website (no, this is not about the graphic, this is about the rest of the content:

I didn't actually know that the site in question was run by this fellow, but I fail to see how it matters in the context of the linked article? Especially in a "someone is looking over my shoulder and saw me reading about world war I military history" fashion being comparable to "saw me looking at sexual imagery". I don't believe it's appropriate at all.
I have nothing whatsoever against the content of the linked excerpt (in fact I quite distinctly remember reading it somewhere else and liking it a lot). And I also quite enjoyed the discussion here. I just don't think it is so great if you link to content hosted by nutjobs. The article is SFW, so using NSFW was maybe misleading.
For the record, I found it hitting random on wikipedia and chasing citations. I didn't know a thing about the guy and as soon as I saw highly charged political imagery my mind must have flat blocked it out because I didn't even actually notice it consciously till I checked back just now.
I believe you! I believe you! I didn't for a second think that you had any other intentions other than linking to a interesting article.
People jump to conclusions all the time. That graphic at the top of the page is quite evocative, for example. Besides, I'd like to have a respectable source for this article, so I know it hasn't been edited to fit a nutcase agenda.
Is there a generally accepted "LOON" tag?, Mr Sheppard gives us:

> What I have termed the "Dynamical Laws":

> 1. The only power that females have is given to them by males;

> 2. The only thing which females do with that power is use it against males.

Complete with graphic of some Third-Eye-Vagina-Dentata.

Could be brilliant satire. Well, I doubt it :)
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