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The Rails Way

Obie Fernandez · 9 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "The Rails Way" by Obie Fernandez.
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Provides information on the capabilities and subsystems of Rails for the design and development of production-quality software.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
When beginning learning RoR, look through Rails for Zombies ( and Try Ruby ( to get a feel of the new language. It's quite different from C/C++/Java.

You'll get better working out and experimenting with things on your own, but Hartl's book serves as a great beginner's guide (while being comprehensive).

I think "The Rails Way" by Obie Fernandez works as a good reference book after you get more experienced as well.

That's bout all(:

He's particularly known for writing The Rails Way published by Addison-Wesley ( which he did just prior to founding Hashrocket.
The Rails Way is pretty good.

I've found the peepcode webcasts worth their weight in gold, but that's not a book =)

And I found Design Patterns in Ruby pretty good for Ruby beginners

Thank you, sir.
Railcasts by Ryan Bates are phenomenal.

I went through this book when I was learning Rails. I liked the fact that by the end, I had accomplished a bunch of things that I knew I would use again and again.

For a have on hand reference:

And a good compilation of beginner resources:

Start with:

Look up some examples here:

Once you have something worth of deploying, follow this:

Need some recipes?

I second the Rails Way book , its a great book thats easy to follow and organized. For learning Ruby I found to be great
Apr 13, 2008 · inklesspen on Great RoR Books?
The Rails Way, by Obie Fernandez. Only RoR book you'll ever need.

This book is one of the three in plus's comment; another one his comment mentions is "Ruby for Rails", which will get you up to speed on Ruby as a language. It's a great book; get it too.

"The Rails Way," is by far the best rails book I've seen. As you might gather from the title, this book really aims at teaching the ruby/rails idioms necessary to get the most out of rails.
There's a great book for Rails 2.0. It's "The Rails Way", by Obie Fernandez.

By and large, most of the 1.x stuff will still work, but it won't necessarily be the most efficient use of your time; lots of the 2.0 changes make things easier.

Was the 2.0 stuff thrown in at the last minute or was it well done?
It's well done. It's a great book. If you know Ruby, it's the only Rails book you'll ever need.
They used edge rails so they could write about it before it was officially released. Here's an excerpt from the book:

"However, edge Rails still comes in handy sometimes. For example, it allowed us to extensively cover Rails 2.0 features in this book prior to the actual, official 2.0 release"

Forget about online tutorials... they're all skimpy and short on details. Just get Obie's book 'The Rails Way.' It's definitely THE BEST book on Rails available today.

That's why Java is still in the lead...

Edit: is that the Obie from the "do you think we are stupid" thread?

Yes, the very same Obie... And I agree... I just got the Rails Way, and from what I have seen so far, leagues ahead of any other book out there...
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