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Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed

Ben R. Rich, Leo Janos · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed" by Ben R. Rich, Leo Janos.
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Amazon Summary
The onetime director of Lockheed's Skunk Works, the top-secret facility that developed the U-2 spy plane and the stealth fighter, reveals the behind-the-scenes drama involved in the development of the military's aerial technology. 50,000 first printing.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
One of the best books I've ever read, courtesy of Hacker News.

I keep seeing this mentioned on HN and other places, I must have added it to my "to read" list about 3 times I think
It really is an excellent book. Buy it.
Is it $500 excellent?
It's $9.99 for Kindle excellent.
My favorite section in that book is when the Skunk Works guys trucked their stealth fighter prototype out to Edwards AFB for radar cross section testing. They stuck it up on a pole and then the AF guys in a radar van lit it up. And they could see it on radar just fine, and the Lockheed engineers were mystified, and the AF guys were giving them a hard time... until the vulture that had been perched on the prototype flew away and left nothing behind.
And then the skilled radar techs look really, really hard and see... the pole.
Totally agree. A great read. Ben Rich makes the material really approachable, even for non-tech folks. (I gave it to my mom to read and she really liked it!)
I'm reading through Skunkworks ( on a recommendation from HN, and thoroughly enjoying it.

I'd heard this before, but the actual genesis of Lockheed's Have Blue/F-117 was this: 1) Petr Ufimtsev in the 1960s develops the equations for calculating the radar energy reflected by a given geometric configuration 2) USAF notices and translates this into English 3) Denys Overholser and Bill Schroeder at Lockheed find, read, and implement it in software (which the Russians didn't have the computational power to do) 4) Lockheed is looking for a new Skunkworks project (this is post-SR 71, and Kelly Johnson was transitioning out of Skunkworks after handing things over to Ben Rich) and decides to bet on stealth ("What?! That'll never work! It's crazy!") 5) {... many, many, MANY person-hours later} 6) F-117

Side note: the reason the F-117 has geometric surfaces is that when it was being designed in the 60s and 70s there wasn't enough available computational power to calculate more complex shapes (e.g. F-22).

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