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Java Performance

Charlie Hunt, Binu John · 4 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "Java Performance" by Charlie Hunt, Binu John.
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“The definitive master class in performance tuning Java applications…if you love all the gory details, this is the book for you.” –James Gosling, creator of the Java Programming Language Improvements in the Java platform and new multicore/multiprocessor hardware have made it possible to dramatically improve the performance and scalability of Java software. Java ™ Performance covers the latest Oracle and third-party tools for monitoring and measuring performance on a wide variety of hardware architectures and operating systems. The authors present dozens of tips and tricks you’ll find nowhere else. You’ll learn how to construct experiments that identify opportunities for optimization, interpret the results, and take effective action. You’ll also find powerful insights into microbenchmarking–including how to avoid common mistakes that can mislead you into writing poorly performing software. Then, building on this foundation, you’ll walk through optimizing the Java HotSpot VM, standard and multitiered applications; Web applications, and more. Coverage includes Taking a proactive approach to meeting application performance and scalability goals Monitoring Java performance at the OS level in Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris environments Using modern Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and OS observability tools to profile running systems, with almost no performance penalty Gaining “under the hood” knowledge of the Java HotSpot VM that can help you address most Java performance issues Integrating JVM-level and application monitoring Mastering Java method and heap (memory) profiling Tuning the Java HotSpot VM for startup, memory footprint, response time, and latency Determining when Java applications require rework to meet performance goals Systematically profiling and tuning performance in both Java SE and Java EE applications Optimizing the performance of the Java HotSpot VM Using this book, you can squeeze maximum performance and value from all your Java applications–no matter how complex they are, what platforms they’re running on, or how long you’ve been running them.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

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See the logs he posted

[Full GC

    [PSYoungGen: 10752K->9707K(142848K)]

    [ParOldGen: 232384K->232244K(485888K)] 243136K->241951K(628736K)

    [PSPermGen: 3162K->3161K(21504K)],

    1,5265450 secs

-> parallel old

A full GC frees 140k of old 1045k of young memory. He's almost running out of memory with parallel old. He needs to run a way larger heap. G1 isn't going to be any better with a live set the size he has in combination with his max heap.

All this explained in Java Performance [1]

From the link I see:

> The following example JVM settings are recommended for most production engine tier servers: -server -Xms24G -Xmx24G -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 -XX:ConcGCThreads=5 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70

So Oracle mentions 200ms for most prod use. I am not sure how you are able to deduct ~10ms pause from that link.

And just because one can configure ~10ms does not mean at JVM will start respecting it. There is nothing in any official document by Oracle about max GC pause time. The results Google threw are mostly around ~150ms as min pause.

> It also has a state-of-the-art generational GC.

And it needs something like

to do what JVM can do in theory. In practice as a java users I am used to seeing ~20-30 sec pauses for Full GC.

The only effort in open for sub 10ms GC for large heaps is Project Shenandoah:

and it is long way from availability.

You can ask for 10ms latency and you will get it. This is basic functionality of any incremental/concurrent GC. The throughput will suffer if you do that. But HotSpot's GC is far beyond that of Go in regards to throughput, for the simple fact that it's generational.

Nongenerational GC pretty much always without exception loses to generational in heavily GC'd languages like Java and Go. There is no silver bullet for GC; it requires lots of hard engineering work, and HotSpot is way ahead.

Better update the title with this one:

Java Performance:

Java Puzzlers is helpful if you're doing low-level programming using Java. I find it to be less useful for app development.

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