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Paul Graham · 2 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "ANSI Common LISP" by Paul Graham.
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Amazon Summary
KEY BENEFIT: Teaching users new and more powerful ways of thinking about programs, this two-in-one text contains a tutorial―full of examples―that explains all the essential concepts of Lisp programming, plus an up-to-date summary of ANSI Common Lisp, listing every operator in the language. Informative and fun, it gives users everything they need to start writing programs in Lisp both efficiently and effectively, and highlights such innovative Lisp features as automatic memory management, manifest typing, closures, and more. KEY TOPICS: Dividing material into two parts, the tutorial half of the book covers subject-by-subject the essential core of Common Lisp, and sums up lessons of preceding chapters in two examples of real applications: a backward-chainer, and an embedded language for object-oriented programming. Consisting of three appendices, the summary half of the book gives source code for a selection of widely used Common Lisp operators, with definitions that offer a comprehensive explanation of the language and provide a rich source of real examples; summarizes some differences between ANSI Common Lisp and Common Lisp as it was originally defined in 1984; and contains a concise description of every function, macro, and special operator in ANSI Common Lisp. The book concludes with a section of notes containing clarifications, references, and additional code. MARKET: For computer programmers.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this book.
What? I don't think the majority of people interested in lisp are going into work looking down their noses at people. They're probably mostly people who like to try different tools and learn new things. I don't use lisp but I loved reading through PG's ANSI Common Lisp book because it really challenged me to think about programming and problem solving in a way I never had before. I think I write better code because I did learn lisp.

Go and read . I've heard many lisp people reference this, which basically says lisp is so great that it is the best language which could possibly exist, and people who don't think that just think that because the languages they like are too stupid to let them appreciate lisp.
Yup. I love Lisp - very glad I learned it, but I find PG's Blub Paradox essay enormously offensive.
Aug 26, 2013 · betterunix on On Lisp
Great book, but not if you are just starting out with Lisp. For that, see PG's other book:

Also make sure you check the errata for On Lisp, there are a few examples that you will really need the errata for.

Actually a much better place to start is Practical Common Lisp:

Or if you are now to programming in general:

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