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Hacker News Comments on
Drug Discovery

Coursera · University of California San Diego · 1 HN comments

HN Academy has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Coursera's "Drug Discovery" from University of California San Diego.
Course Description

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Discovery course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug discovery.

In this course you will learn the drug discovery process up to the filing of an Initial New Drug Application or IND. Each week you will learn the steps that a pharmaceutical or biotech company goes through to discover a new therapeutic drug. In this course you will be able to:

* Understand the pharmaceutical and biotechnology market a changing landscape

* Learn the major aspects of the drug discovery process, starting with target selection, to compound screening to designing lead candidates.

* Recognize current modern drug discovery based on the lock-and-key theory, which attempts to use one single compound to hit one target to combat the related disease.

* Increase understanding of the various drug discovery tools and methods that are used for finding, identifying and designing a new drug.

* Define and understand the regulatory responsibilities for drug discovery to file an Investigational New Drug Application (IND).

This course is intended as part 1 of a series: Drug Discovery, Drug Development ( and Drug Commercialization ( We would highly recommend that you take the courses in order since it will give you a better understanding on how a drug is discovered in the lab before being tested in clinical trials and then launched in the market place.

HN Academy Rankings
Provider Info
This course is offered by University of California San Diego on the Coursera platform.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this url.
Chasing links from the article's author... the category pharma 101: - A Free Online Med-Chem Course

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